Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fundamental duties of Indian citizens

The following are the Eleven Fundamental Duties of every citizen of India:
(a) To abide by the Constitution and respect the National Flag and the National Anthem;
(b) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
(c) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
(d) to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
(e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities and to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
(f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
(g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures;
(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity, so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of Endeavour and achievement."
(k) to provide opportunities for education by the parent the guardian, to his child, or a ward between the age of 6-14 years as the case may be.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Capital Punishment

Everybody keeps asking me to support their petitions that demand capital punishment for the publicized rapists. Firstly I can not understand how easily everybody is ready to condemn somebody to death. In the country well known for its innocent until proven guilty policies they want to create a loop sided law. What I wanted people to understand that it is not the law that has to be changed but the people. No amount of laws can prevent the people from doing such crimes unless they are allowed to change.

Yes! I believe these criminals must be punished severely. Castration and life imprisonment are both sufficient forms of punishment for rapists. I implore you to think in the direction of why these crimes are committed. This is not a hate crime, the guys did not hate the girl. These were crimes born of sexual desires and noneducational circumstances. The media that is bragging every where about it's role in fighting such crimes. They say it is because of their effective actions that the problem is now being solved. Well I believe the media to be responsible for these incidents in the first place.

Let me talk about rough facts here. How many films have you seen that did not have a female figure that is sexually attracted to a male. How many news channels do you know that do not broadcast about an MMS the moment it is released. The power of media can never be denied. How do you think the uneducated masses who may never have had education beyond primary school but seen a 100 movies of sex and rape scenes and gossiped after each release of MMS.

I do not say that these culprits are victims of the influence of media. I merely state that they still deserve a chance to live and rectify their mistakes. Nobody becomes a thief to steal, they do so to get money which they have no other way of getting. These people have the right to education, they need to be taught to tell the difference between right and wrong. Death does not give a second chance. How many people can say that these guys after finishing jail term will not become a better person if educated correctly.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

World is a living junk

World is continuing to be a living junk. People are just forced to find the best parts in it and survive with them. People have lost the choice of living the life they like. If you are to live in current world, you would have to mold yourself according to the laws that govern the world or just create your own world to live in. Experts say the world is on the path of improvement. They prove it by showing off the amount of achievements in science and technology.

Science and technology may show an improved understanding of the various facets if the world. What it does not do is improve on the world. If it were so we would already found the solutions for problems faced by humanity. We may have found what makes day and night, summer and rain. We may have found the particles that make matter. We may even have found the technology to make us travel by sea and air and discovered all parts of the globe.

The big question that is still left unanswered is that does any of these achievements even matter. We are still unable to find a system that would allow the world to live in peace. We have failed to develop a socialistic society that would remove poverty. We still lack the skills to cure a lot of diseases and protect yourselves from the natural forces. Does it mean that we never identified the goals that should have been prioritized.

Is it not that obvious that for us to form a clear and free living society, the right problems need to be pondered over. Every government would have to create a authority or an organization to look upon the right goals to be pursued and attempt to find a solution for each of them. Even if the government fails to look into the needs of the people. I think the time is ripe for people to know that it is time to live the change. If you want to live in the real world then it is time to 'Fuck the system and kick the law'. It is time to be free.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reservation - An image of corrupt India

In the country where the education system is so flawed that no college comes in the top 100 of the world even as the students and their knowledge is reckoned to be at par with international standards. Simple reason is the misutilization of the human resources and services. When we have potential candidates that can be developed into genius with the available resources, we are forced to degrade the standards by gathering resources for reshaping weak students into the potential candidates so that the reserved sections can utilize them.

Even when we have educated the reserved class enough for them to pass into the society they create a low quality workforce that needs further reservation to guarantee them jobs. This is like spoon-feeding a kid throughout his life. Empowering the reserved class does not mean hiding their failures. Currently statistics say that 1 in every 4 reserved class student fails to get passing grades in institutions. These facts speak for themselves. Even after academia when they join the government offices citing reserved category, they generate further inefficient workforce in these offices as they lack the skills and knowledge that is needed. Although not proven there have also been allegations that caste based favors are being given in these offices due to political and personal reasons.

Corruption in the division and management of the scheduled caste and tribe results in rich people gaining illegal certification and enjoying the benefits of the reservation system. Gaining reserved status is believed a way for getting more political power as well as way of getting economic benefits. In the records of Indian government less than 50% scheduled tribes or castes are below poverty line. It simply adds to matters that not every reserved candidate is unable to get equal opportunity as it turns out they are getting more opportunities than others. People in the undeserving reserved sections get additional and unnecessary benefits over average population. In the final I would like to remind people that Reservation is not a law that Indian government invented. In 1908 the British government enacted the reservation policy for giving equal representation to people of every caste but which was simply another stratagem to instill divide and conquer policy in the country. If in 100 years of implementation the reservation policy could not benefit the population enough to become useless I do not think it is an effective strategy. Post-independence this policy was implemented to decrease the number of needful reserved sections who were suffering from untouchability, which even to this day we are unable to abolish. The number in the reserved section instead to decreasing is still on the curve to increase. Is this not the time to call a change in the policy? People in support of the policy must find a way to make it more efficient if they really are looking for results for until then it would just become a forced law effecting the development of the country.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Understanding Secularism

Secularism is a concept that a government is free from religion or religious beliefs. It should exist in parallel with every religion without affecting each other in any form. Though secularism in India usually revolves around the idea that people are free to choose their own religion and government cannot force any religion on any person. Secularism is also a move away from the traditional religious beliefs that have been a part of a past easily forgiven. Secularism as we took it from the European countries was based on the simple thought that religious leaders should not be involved in government affairs.

Stating the obvious was the easy part. Now we know that when India is called a secular country this is what is assumed from it. Now to state the truth. Religion has become the way of politics. People in the government are looking for every reason to use religious beliefs to aid them further in their cause. Ayodhya issue has been just such a example that turned Avery and caused just the destruction secularism would have prevented. Another reason India lacks secularism is that it allows people from one religious circle to be the part of government. Even now the opposition has been attempting to get a famous religious personality into their party. Involvement of these spiritual leaders though is good for public unity often becomes reason for diversifying society.

Secularism though an initial condition for peace and prosperity in the multicultural society as in India is still a long way from reality. The simple reason is that it was a defined policy in the constitution for4 the government never a policy for the people. The masses never tried to adopt secularism in their life. Every place we go we have the tendency to see a person's religion first and then seek his habits. If people would remove religious biasing from their thinking no form of government would be able to use it to harm society. Religious tolerance is something that should be made compulsory in education, every child must know about every religion and taught to respect them. If we could not protect ourselves maybe the second generation can be protected. As religion has been inarticulate part of our life. We have lived with our religion and learned about its superiority to others being proud of our religion. It is this that protects us and binds us but also the reason we divide the society we live in into multiple classes. It is only our hope that the new developed India that we are imagining may be a secular one. this hope can be achieved through the right step in the right directions only.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

RELIGION - The Fight Over Gods

Battle of Religions

I wanted to avoid this one but with the increase in amount of people trying to convince me in Gods, Religion and Religious Ceremonies. I had to state the obvious. People believe in Gods for they believe in religion. Such is there belief sometimes that they even want to take the life of a fellow being to prove the supremacy of their own belief. My friends say these are kind of people who will kill for any reason, contrary to my belief that a man who kills others always has a reason to do so. So does religion only cause death or is it also the oracle of doom.

Gods as we call them or rather God if You have your own sole belief. If i take my religion for example there are Gods for everything like the God of wind, fire, water, sky, and even death(similar to Greek, Norse or even Egyptian but more in number). Gods were supposed to do anything but they were similar to humans(having properties similar to them, properties like anger, revenge, even war). If you call them Gods then all living beings would be God. If your belief is that there is a sole creator that has created the world and looks after it then you may be near the truth but yet far away. There may be a single creator for somebody has to be there if a thing is made for having made it but then the cycle is a never ending one. Existence of something means creation of it and Creation requires a Creator then who created the Creator. When i was younger i had given a lot of thought to this. My only conclusion was that there was no God to start the world. Then what was there in the world? How did we or our creator come into being? The only answer is the existence of a non-existent world(A world of nothing). If I had to believe in any God the it would be a God of Nothing and we do not need to worship anything if we believe in nothing.

A majority of people believe in after life. They think that as they never received any justice in this world they would get it in the another place after their death. Then why not die now if you dream of a place so great like heaven that is waiting for you on the other side. Why live in this world of diplomacy and survival. The reason is that there is no heaven and there is no hell. We came from nothing and to nothing we will go. So if you have anything to do or complete you will have to do it in this life and in this world. People who believe in parallel worlds. Just a friendly reminder that the sheer size of world is enough to have uncountable worlds at infinite distance from each other so that no world interferes with the other.

It is easy to see even if the belief of God is established then there are various religions there to pray or praise them. Why is there a need for people to pray ? Priests say that God loves his people and he needs to be prayed; for him to help them. Tell me if you loved somebody you would want him to ask you every time he wanted or you would give him anything he wanted even if he doesn't ask for it.what about gifts then shouldn't they be given to people you love. These reasons deal with the concept of prayers. If not tell me how do you look at this world. A world that consists of poverty, war, sadness, hatred. If theses were created in this world by the creator then such imperfection or lack of control is nothing to be praised or thanked about. I would rather like to rebel against his judgment and creation and would recreate the whole world than live in this one suffering. So why would anybody want to thank him. There may be devil who created these but as everybody says the creator can only be one so he is either a God or a Devil. If it is Devil, then we can all agree on the fact that we would never ever worship a devil. Even if it is the God then who wants to worship a God who has created evil and vices in this world. He may have created good but why did he think important to also introduce evil. Is it not his weakness or are we just his tools so that he may watch and play with us. As long as i live i would think about these things and until i find proof about God i would live to be called agnostic. So if you find an answer or reason for any of the above you may still try convincing me or else just forget it.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Just came across an innovative site to help Bihar Flood victims. Shows how one can contribute without actually spending anything or being physically present by spending 60 seconds of one's time. Just have to answer simple questions, and sponsors will pay to the NGO on your behalf. Kindly spread the word. (

Monday, August 11, 2008


"All Nations and Religions should live in peace". "Stop Religious Biasing". "Live and let live". These are the statements we hear usually from the men of peace and religion. It has been said that mostly all the wars are due to the direct impact of the reason we call religion. It does not stop here as all the remaining wars are either the repercussions or indirect result of the religious differences.

After knowing the problem and cause we need to deal with the solution part. Is there a way to prevent all future wars ? If so then how to achieve it ? It is the belief of the theologists that reason of a war lies in the human mind. Thus to know about war, we would be required to analyze the human psychology first. It has been found out that the reason of war lies in the fact that as long as the human beings can think, there would be contradiction in the thoughts of the different people. It is clear from this fact that to remove the threat of war completely we would need to do either of the two things. We would have to stop thinking at all or just accept failure and stop planning to prevent a war. We may also take up a task of utmost impossibility. We would have to be extremely determined and have the support of all the people in the world. We would then make a group of all the people in the world in such a way that all the people with similar thoughts would be grouped together. Surprisingly the fact is such a system is already existing in the world without giving satisfying results. Be it the existence of different classes and work places and even friend circles where even the people with a large amount of similar thoughts still find some contradictions between each other.

There are lot of ways by which to resolve a simple problem but very few for a difficult one. When we are dealing with a problem of such large magnitude the probability of finding a solution is nearly zero.

Monday, February 11, 2008




i am going to discuss the democratic structure of the indian government here but as it is simlar to many nations there may be common point covered. well the procedure for elections to the two houses of the national government is that the people of the nation select its representatives from usually two parties or sometimes three. The leader of the winning party then decides who would be the head of the various ministrial departments and thus a government of politicians is formed.


i just had this idea some time ago and have been developing it since.well what if the general public selects the representatives from their places so that we know who will be the members in the government. This should be done without parties that is invidual people should be part of the election not some big parties.

When these people had been elected, they will decide nominations for every post in the ministy from among themselves and thereby increasing the chances of people involved in the same department or expertise to work in the field. the nominations should be elected by minimum of one-fourth of the members to stand a chance. when these nominations are complete, a second general election can be held to choose the ministry where general people would then vote who the ideal person for the job would be. when the ministry is finally formed a final election can be done by ministry people to elect the president of the nation.(leaving aside or dissolving the post of prime minister)


Well the good this new system would do is decrease the corruption and politics from the government. The person holding ministrial post would be an able and expert person rather than some politician with degree in politics. Every person would have the right to choose the person he thinks would be right for the minstry post increasing the power in the hands of the citizen. The post of prime minister and parties would lessen the amount of time and money spend on advertisements and decision making as the president can directly order after the cabinet approval rather than the prime minister sending it to the president for approval.


Well the only big problem would be time consumsion, the whole process would take a year to end but maybe the time taken would only be beneficial for the people to understand and know more about the representatives before the second elections. With the absense of parties it may become difficult for the houses to come to some decision, this may act as the filter as only genuine and useful decisions would get the approval.


Monday, January 28, 2008

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